Thursday, February 12, 2009

Our Newest All Star: Mo Williams

When word that Chris Bosh was going to stay home and nurse his ailing knee over the All Star Weekend hit, old men who have money and make important decisions made Maurice "Mo" Williams his replacement. I think that Bosh just wanted to play Gears of War 2 on his x-box for 4 days straight without any annoying interruptions such as "practice", "flying on a private team jet" or "cash $180K weekly checks", but that's another story. So let's learn a little sumthin' about Mo:

*Maurice loves Gangsta Movies
*Because of his love of Gangsta Movies, teammates have provided him the nickname of "Hitman"
*His other nickname, "Mo", is short for his given name "Maurice"
*Mo is a career 44% shooter and is shooting 47% this year
*Williams is averaging 17.2 points on the Cavs this season alongside Lebron
*Mo is much more deserving than Al Jefferson to be a 1st time All-Star

Looking forward to the H.O.R.S.E., I mean, G.E.I.C.O. contest on Saturday!

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